Accountants In Kent
We are trusted Accountants In Kent
When you need help with your business’s finances, NPC Financial an accountants in Kent can help you. Hiring an accountant can save your business money and time by ensuring your finances are always in order.
NPC Financial are Accountants In Kent and this page aims to answer common queries we hear about accounting
What Accountancy Means
Accountancy is carrying out the duties required to manage the financial transactions of a business. This includes recording, classifying, and reporting on business transactions and providing relevant information to managers and shareholders. Accountancy helps to keep everyone up to date on the financial status of the business so that informed business choices can be made.
Accountancy is carrying out the duties required to manage the financial transactions of a business. This includes recording, classifying, and reporting on business transactions and providing relevant information to managers and shareholders. Accountancy helps to keep everyone up to date on the financial status of the business so that informed business choices can be made.
Recording business transactions requires the filing of regular financial transactions such as invoices, bills and receipts, and paying employees. A number of people can be involved in carrying out this work, including billing clerks, cashiers, and payroll clerks. As well as these repetitive transactions, less frequent transactions such as tax payments also need to be recorded. These transactions are often carried out by people such as tax accountants and general ledger clerks.
Recorded transactions are combined in the general ledger, which summarises and classifies the business’s accounts. The information in the general ledger is used to create financial statements. Reporting is also a major duty in accountancy, which includes financial accounting and management accounting. Reporting involves creating financial statements, as well as using this information to find ways to make the business more profitable and present these ideas to managers or stakeholders.
What Is the Difference Between Accounting and Accountancy?
Today, accounting and accountancy are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, traditionally, they have two separate meanings. Accountancy is the term for the whole field, whereas accounting is the duty of an accountant. In the past, accountancy was used to refer to the process of sharing information about the company’s finances to shareholders. This involves showing them financial statements with information about the company’s assets and resources. Accountancy includes all of the areas where an accountant might carry out their duties to deliver a full package service to a business.
Accounting, on the other hand, can be defined as reading and maintaining the financial records of a business. Accounting is one of three different elements of accountancy, with the other parts being bookkeeping and auditing. Accounting can include several of the tasks named above, including the activities that are required to keep and maintain financial information for a business.
Fewer people today make a distinction between accountancy and accounting. If you are looking for Kent accountancy firms, you can use either term to find the services that you need. If you use either term to refer to the practice of keeping financial records and accounts, you will be understood.
Who Uses Accounting?
Accounting services are generally used by businesses in the UK. Some individuals might also require accountants to help them with their finances. However, as most employees in the UK are taxed through PAYE, unlike somewhere like the US, where everyone needs to file their own taxes, fewer individuals require the services of an accountant. Some people may find that they need one to help them with savings and investments or high levels of income, however. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from accounting services. An accountant and accountancy software can give you the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your business finances.
As well as private businesses, accountants in Gillingham, Kent are useful to a variety of other organisations. Charities and nonprofit companies, schools, and educational organisations, self-employed individuals, and various other entities can benefit from accounting services. Accounting data can be used by different people too. It can be useful for managers, lenders, shareholders, and even employees who want to be aware of the state of a company’s finances. Accounting services can be extremely helpful for businesses that are just starting up too, helping business owners to choose between business structures and get their finances in order from the beginning.
What Is Basic Accounting?
There is a variety of basic accounting skills and practices that businesses can benefit from. One thing that is used is a basic accounting equation, which is “assets = liabilities + equity”. This equation should always balance unless a mistake has been made. An asset is something that the business owns, which may include equipment, property, money, and accounts receivable. A liability is money owed, such as loans, taxes, and accounts payable. Equity is the amount that owners have put into the business, plus profit and loss.
There are also other basic accounting skills and practices that bookkeeping services in Kent can help you with. Everyday transactions make up part of the basics involved in bookkeeping, while financial and management accounts are the two types of accounts that make up the basics of accounting. Limited liability companies registered with Companies House need to submit accounts each year, which include profit and loss account, balance sheet, trial balance, and cash-flow statement. Self-employed people must submit a self-assessment tax return for each tax year. Management accounts provide the information required to know the business’s financial future. They are reports that help with decision making and running a business.
What Is a Cash Book?
A cash book, cashbook, or cash-book records all of the money going in and out of the company. The cash book is an additional book the records all cash transactions to ensure that all financial information is correct and that it can be reported to HMRC correctly. Cash book entries include receipts, expenditures, document numbers, cash rates, and other entries. The aim of good cash book accounting is to ensure that everything in the cash book is easy to understand, especially for the tax authorities. There are recommendations provided by HMRC on recordkeeping, which an accountant can help you with if you’re looking for assistance with bookkeeping in Kent.
HMRC recommends that a number of types of documentation are kept. These include gross receipts, purchases, business expenses, VAT records, and PAYE records. Cash book accounting is required for businesses that use double-entry accounting, which is recommended for larger businesses. In double-entry accounting, all transactions are listed systematically, and business transactions are booked to at least two accounts. The balance sheet provides the basis for the profit and loss account. Double-entry accounting isn’t a necessity, and many small businesses use simple or single-entry accounting instead.
What Is a Petty Cash Book?
A petty cash book tells you who you have paid in cash, what you have bought, and the total VAT that you can reclaim. It records expenditure paid by cash, personal cheque, and either business or personal credit card. A petty cash book includes the date of payment, a description of the item, a receipt number, the amount paid, and the amount of VAT included in the payment. A balance of petty cash only needs to be kept if there is also a cash float, which will require a separate petty cash book that shows payments made from the tin. It will also need to show money that is put into the tin, and the balance of the two books should match.
A petty cash book is usually used to record small purchases, as these are more likely to be made using cash than larger purchases. However, even though it deals with smaller amounts of money, it’s still important to keep records of every transaction. Some of the things that might end up being recorded in a petty cash book include travel expenses, stationery purchases, postage stamps, and any other minor purchases that might be paid for with cash.
What Is Contra Entry?
Some businesses might have suppliers who are also customers. This is quite common for small and medium businesses that might form working partnerships with a network of local businesses or companies in their industry. This means that you might sometimes want to offset a sales invoice against a purchase invoice. Doing this is called Contra Entry when the purchase invoice effectively becomes a payment. When you use a contra entry, only the difference between the sale and invoice becomes payable. Many accounting software options help to make this easier, but it is also smart to have a qualified and experienced accountant on your side.
Contra entries (or contra postings) can be easily managed using modern accounting software, as long as the accountant is trained in the use of the software. Usually, it will require a contra posting control account or suspense account, which can be used to help manage money while you are working out where amounts should go. This is possible using software such as Xero and Sage. An experienced accountant will be able to handle these transactions with ease. They can deal with contra entries so that you don’t have to send money to a supplier, only to have it sent back to you, or the other way around.
Why Do We Need an Accountant?
There are many reasons that you might need an accountant. If you feel like your business finances are in disarray, you’re not sure how to handle your taxes, or keeping your accounts up to date is taking up a lot of your time, an accountant can help you.
Hiring an accountant can save you time. You might currently be doing your own accounts, which can be complicated and time-consuming if you need to learn as you go. Your accountant can take it all off your hands so that you can concentrate on other things. Not only that, but they will do a more professional job, using their experience, knowledge, and understanding of the latest accounting requirements. You might also need an accountant if your accounts don’t add up or make sense, or if you feel like you’re losing money that you can’t afford to lose.
Having organised accounts is important for several reasons. You need to report your accounts for each tax year, whether you’re self-employed or registered with Companies House. You might also want to seek funding from investors or lenders, which will require you to present your accounts. An accountant can help you deal with everything from accounts receivable to payroll in Kent.
When Should I Get an Accountant?
There isn’t necessarily a set time when every business should hire an accountant. There are good reasons to hire an accountant at different stages of your company’s growth. Working with an accountant right from the beginning can help you to ensure you get your company set up correctly and always have organised accounts. An accountant can provide advice when you write your business plan and choose the right structure for your business. They can also help you to understand your legal obligations when it comes to recording and reporting your finances for tax purposes.
However, some people are happy to do their own accounting until they reach a certain point. Once your company starts to get bigger, you might be ready to delegate your accounts to someone else. Perhaps accounting has become too time-consuming or too complicated, and you now need some professional help. Hiring an accountant also helps you ensure you meet all of the rules regarding taxes and other regulations. You might decide it’s the right time when you need to get your accounts made up at the end of the year. You should also hire an accountant if you’re looking for a loan, overdraft, or other credit or funding.
What Are the Benefits of an Accountant?
Hiring an accountant delivers you a range of benefits. It can save you a lot of time because you will no longer have to do it yourself or leave it up to an employee who might have better things to do. An accountant can also save you money, not just by saving you time but also by helping you to avoid mistakes and by identifying cost-saving measures for your business. As well as saving you money, an accountant can help you to improve your profitability and could help you secure credit or funding to grow your business too.
Hiring an account could help you reduce your tax liability, so you have a lower bill when it’s time to file your taxes. You also won’t have to worry about any fines or other problems because your accountant will make sure that everything is done properly. When you hire an accountant, you can start growing your business more easily, thanks to their financial organisation and their advice. Hiring an accountant makes everything easier for your business, saving you time and money in both the short-term and long-term. Finding the right account could mean your business growth skyrockets.